MapLink™ Procedures | Recreational Ponds

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Recreational Ponds
Site Plan Elements.
The application for a permit shall be accompanied by the following:
(1) A description of the proposed development and legal description of the property site.
(2) Plan review fee and inspection fee must be paid, with check or money order payable to City of Bells. Fees will be set by the adopted permit fee schedule.
(3) A dimensioned site plan or sketch plan, drawn to scale showing existing and proposed pond locations and existing and proposed land grades. Engineered site plans must include all the information listed below. Sketch plans shall include the information noted with an “X”; provided the level of detail is sufficient to demonstrate compliance with this ordinance. See Table 10.2 for Site Plan/Sketch Plan information.

 The project site owner must sign and submit a Pond Construction Waiver of Liability, Assumption of Risk and Indemnity Agreement certifying that the City of Bells is not responsible for future accidents, incidents, or damages as a result of the construction of this pond. This agreement should be properly recorded in the County Recorder’s Office.

Permit term.
The pond permit shall be valid for 180 days after the date of issuance. If no work has occurred in connection with the permit within one (1) year of permit issuance, the permit shall be null and void the petitioner shall be required to apply for and obtain a new permit. If work has started but is not completed, an extension can be requested.

See § 10.06: Recreational Ponds for complete, detailed information.
See Permits for more infrmation.