MapLink™ Procedures | Mobile Food Vendors and Food Truck Parks

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Mobile Food Vendors and Food Truck Parks
Application and Review Process.
Any person desiring to engage in, transact or conduct the business or occupation of a Mobile Food Unit vending within the City shall apply for a Mobile Food Unit Permit with the City Clerk’s Office. Upon receipt of a completed application, the City Clerk shall obtain approval of said application from the City’s third-party compliance inspector for both structural and fire compliance, Chief of Police, and Grayson County Health Department. Upon payment of the permit fee and approvals of officials set forth above, the City Clerk shall deliver to such Mobile Food Unit a permit which shall show the issuance and expiration date, name of Mobile Food Unit and description of Mobile Food Unit. The Mobile Food Unit permit shall be valid for one year from the date of issuance. The application for a Mobile Food Unit shall include:
(a) Applicant’s Name and date of birth, Mobile Unit business name, type of business, business address, telephone number, and email address;
(b) Additional responsible party name and phone number;
(c) Description of the nature of the business and the character of food or beverage to be offered for sale;
(d) Number of employees, together with credentials establishing the exact relationship;
(e) The entire length of time for which the right to do business is desired and hours of operation;
(f) Description of Mobile Food Unit type, motor vehicle make/model/year, color, plate number and issuing state and Vehicle Identification Number (VIN);
(g) Vehicle insurance issuance company name and policy number (together with a copy of current proof of insurance);
(h) Copy of business liability insurance;
(i) Applicant’s last business occupation, last place of residence, and license number and place of issuance or license of motor vehicle, if any, used in applicant’s business;
(j) Acceptable personal identification containing a current photo of applicant, such as a driver’s license, passport, or other government-issued identification;
(k) Proof that the applicant has received a state limited sales and use tax permit;
(l) Current Grayson County Health Department Permit;
(m) Description of property from which food or beverages are to be displayed, including street name and address number, legal description or designation of the property as shown on the current tax records of the county tax appraisal district, with the name, contact information and tax billing address of the owner of the property;
(n) A statement signed by the owner of the property acknowledging that said owner has reviewed the completed application forms and has granted permission to the applicant for the use of the property for the purpose set forth and for the time duration stated;
(o) Date or dates and approximate hours that food or beverages will be displayed or sold during the period the license shall be in force and effect;
(p) A statement as to whether or not the applicant has been convicted of any crime, misdemeanor or violation of any provision of this code, the nature of the offense and the punishment or penalty assessed therefor;
(q) The place where the food or beverages [that] are proposed to be sold, or orders taken for the sale thereof, are produced, where such food or beverages are located at the time such application is filed, and the proposed method of delivery; and
(r) Applicable permit fee.

See § 14.05(d) Mobile Food Vendors and Food Truck Parks for complete, detailed information.
See Permits for more information.