MapLink™ Procedures | Procedure for Establishment

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Procedure for Establishment
Procedure for Establishment
The procedure for establishing a Planned Development District shall follow the procedure for zoning amendments as set forth in ARTICLE 20: Changes and Adjustments to all Zoning Ordinances and Districts and Administrative Procedures. This procedure is expanded as follows for approval of conceptual and development plans.

(a) Separate public hearings shall be held by City Council for the approval of the conceptual plan and the development plan or any section of the development plan, unless the requirements are waived by the City Council upon a determination that a single public hearing is adequate. A single public hearing is adequate when:
(1) The applicant submits adequate data with the request for the Planned Development District to fulfill the requirements for both plans;

(2) Information on the concept plan is sufficient to determine the appropriate use of the land and the detail site plan will not deviate substantially from it; and

(3) The requirement is waived at the time the amending ordinance is approved. If the requirement is waived, the conditions shall be specifically stated in the amending ordinance.

(4) The ordinance establishing the Planned Development District shall not be approved until the conceptual plan is approved.

(5) The development plan may be approved in sections. When the plan is approved in sections, the separate approvals by the City Council for the initial and subsequent sections will be required.

(6) An initial development plan shall be submitted for approval within six months from the approval of the conceptual plan or some portion of the conceptual plan. If the development plan is not submitted within six months, the conceptual plan is subject to re-approval by the City Council. If the entire project is not completed within two years, the City Council may review the original conceptual plan to ensure its continued validity.

(7) Regardless of whether the public hearing is waived for the development plan, approval by the City Council is still required.

(8) These procedures to set zoning are separate and do not alleviate subdivision and platting procedures and requirements.

Written Report May be Required.
When a PD is being considered, a written report may be requested of the applicant discussing the impact on planning, engineering, water utilities, electric, sanitation, building inspection, tax, police, fire and traffic. Written comments from the applicable public school district and from private utilities may be submitted to the City Council.

Planned Developments to be Recorded.
All Planned Development Districts approved in accordance with the provisions of this chapter in its original form, or by subsequent amendment thereto, shall be referenced on the Zoning District Map, and a list of the Planned Development Districts, together with the category of uses permitted therein, shall be ________________________________.

See ARTICLE 9: Planned Development District for complete, detailed information.